Carlos R. Salazar


IFM (Theoretical Physics)

Linköping University, Campus Valla

581 83 Linköping

I am a Guatemala PhD student at Linköping University. My research focuses on studying mechanical properties of ceramics at high temperature using ab initio simulation methods as well as machine learning interaction potentials.


Feb 1, 2024 I am now in Sweden ready to start my PhD at Linköping University under the supervision of Prof. Davide Sangiovanni.
Jul 31, 2023 I have finished my internship at UMET laboratory, but I will continue to work on the project with the aim of publishing the results. I will spend next semester with my family before traveling to Sweden to start my PhD.
Mar 13, 2023 I am very excited to start my internship on structural analysis of nanoparticles at UMET laboratory in Lille.
Sep 1, 2022 In september I am starting the second year of my master’s degree on fundamental physics.
Apr 25, 2022 I will be moving to Toulouse to start an internship on Machine Learning Interaction Potentials for atomistic simulations.

selected publications

  1. LASP2Interface
    Carlos Rafael Salazar Letona
    Jan 2023